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Our focus is on the topics of technology and innovation, growth and sustainability as well as the optimization of organisation performance.
Thefore, we create the best conditions to achieve Business Excellence in the organisation.

Execution of projects with our reactive methods Six Sigma, Lean, Lean Six Sigma, preventive and innovative methods New Generation Design For Six Sigma®, iTools® as well as Consulting, Training, Coaching of Six Sigma Green Belt, Six Sigma Black Belt, Master Black Belt, Management and Teams lead to measurable, fast and sustainable improvements in the organisation.

With our diverse and cross-industry experience with Six Sigma Consulting and Innovation Consulting, we reduce the risks and help our customers with planning, analysis, concept evaluations as well as moderation of innovation projects, product and process optimization projects.


Our focus is on the topics of technology and innovation, growth and sustainability as well as the optimization of the organisation performance.


In this way we create the best conditions for achieving Operational Excellence, Innovation Excellence, People Excellence and Business Excellence within the company and inspire our customers.



Our Competitive Advantages:


  • Our commitment to our customer's success

  • Our experience

  • Our training material

  • Our team

Lean Six Sigma Beratung Consulting

Green Belt Training, Green Belt Training, Green Belt Training, Green Belt Training, Green Belt Training, Green Belt Training,  Green Belt Training Lean Six Sigma Beratung Consulting Design For Six Sigma DFSS Lean Management

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SSI - Six Sigma & Innovation


Josef-Fehler-Str. 43

D-46397 Bocholt

Tel:    +49 2871 2745565

Mob: +49 173 285 6443

Fax:   +49 2871 2745564


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